Hi, I’m Colin.
I really want to work for Theranos. I realize that hundreds of other people are on the same boat as me, so I have decided to show what I can contribute to Theranos. I have decided to be proactive and give my thoughts on how Theranos can expand their engagement of their current users, new users and acquire new users through Home Testing.

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Theranos is transforming Healthcare and Preventative Medicine.

Through a few drops of blood, lives are being saved.

Accessible Health Information.

Mission driven to provide people with accessible health information when they need it most.


Transparent Pricing.

All tests and prices are listed on the website Test Menu. Most costing 50-90% less then medicare reimbursed rates.


Painless Blood Test.

All tests are done with a simple, painless prick to the finger.  



All in Walgreens.

With wellness centers in Arizona and Palo Alto, more are on the way.


What’s Missing?

Compared to less frequent Blood Tests,
Home blood testing has not been penetrated by Theranos.

For daily use.

29.7 million people in the US check blood glucose levels on a daily basis, multiple times a day.

Ease of use.

With Theranos’s technology, blood glucose tests can be uploaded to user’s Theranos.me hub.

Comfort of home.

By removing the need of going to a testing center, blood testing and use of Theranos.me will rise.

Why This Matters?

Information is the key to Knowledge. Knowledge is the key to Access.
Access is the key to Prevention.


347 million people in the world have diabetes, with more than 3 million cases developing each year in the US.

347,000,000 people

1/3 of America is Obese


Obesity has been tied to high insulin levels after eating meals. In short, high blood sugar is equivalent to weight gain.


90 million people have symptoms of being pre-diabetic in america and is reversible with changes to diet and lifestyle choices.

90% don’t know

$545,000,000,000 in costs

Healthcare costs.

The total cost of diabetes in America is estimated to being $245 billion. $176 billion is for related healthcare costs alone. The total cost of obesity in America is estimated to being $300 billion. $190.2 billion of medical need is spent on obesity related cases.

Where to start.

By creating a platform that makes blood testing at home delightful,
simpler and interactive with physicians – better patient outcomes and prevention 
will follow. 


User Interface.

By creating a way for people who test their blood daily to input their own blood glucose information on Theranos.me at home in a digitally delightful way, this will enhance their interaction with their doctor to make important diagnosis sooner when it matters most.


Outreach to patients and physicians.

Marketing to current diabetic patients would be the way to start rolling out Theranos at Home testing. This would be done directly with diabetic physicians and healthcare providers.


Social Media Campaigns.

Campaigns that highlight the raw benefits of using Theranos’s systems. Key points being convenience, no more needles, blood amount, access to information quicker, etc.


Home Blood
Test Kit.

Creating an at home blood test kit for everyone to use. It includes a painless finger prick, Nanotainer, and shipping packaging that ships directly to a Theranos Lab. Can eliminate the need of having to go anywhere to get testing done. Makes the process of blood testing that much quicker for people to do.

Can Theranos move into home testing today?

Market Challenges:

Engagement into a new platform requires a lot of iterations and a lot of coaxing people to try something new. No one says, ”Oh good, I get to test my blood again today. I wonder how I could make this more fun. ” Most people, just want to get the task over with. Convincing people that there is a way to test and monitor blood sugar daily in a delightfully fun and easy way is possible. Through a user focused and aesthetically clean platform, the conversion will be well received.

Market Opportunities:

Engaging people at their home, in something they are already doing regularly for their health, is something that they are already doing daily. Giving them a platform in which they can engage directly with their doctors in an easy, non-invasive way provides benefits for their own outcomes but also for the physicians insight on their patients health. If a doctor gets notified when a patient’s blood sugar skyrockets, then the doctor can triage faster through this digital platform then before.


The home blood testing market place is in need of a platform to directly interact with their doctors in way that is easy, quick and delightful. With Theranos, having the testing technology already in place as well as the platform to interact with their doctor is the first step.

Creating a Theranos at Home interaction on the Theranos.me hub, where a patient can input their own blood glucose levels, is the next step in intriguing daily blood testers into using Theranos.me.

Following that, creating a Theranos at Home blood testing kit could really help lower the resistance of patients not going to get a blood test when a physician orders them too. Theranos is currently launching wellness centers in Walgreens, hospitals and other healthcare practices nationally, but what if the test could be taken at home, whenever convenient? What if at the end of your doctor’s appointment you were giving a kit that included a painless finger prick, a Nanotainer, and a shipping label to a Theranos Lab. What if all you had to do was a simple, painless extraction of blood into a Nanotainer, and then package it up and mail it to the lab for testing? Would that lower the statistic of 40-60% of patients who don’t get blood test when ordered to by their physician?

Why am I doing this?

I have and always believe that we are put on this earth for a reason and that we are all empowered to make a difference. I really believe that through Theranos, I can help make a difference in the world and it is something that I am committed to doing. That engaging people in preventative medicine and their own health information is a means in which I could make a difference in the world. I truly believe that if people know more about their own health, that they will then take the actions required to live a healthier, productive life. I want to work at Theranos because I believe I could make a contribution to it’s future.

Where I Belong.


I am passionate for design and development. I live and breath designing interfaces, webpages and I enjoy developing them as well. 


I really think that social media is a way to connect with friends and family, but also an important way to keep in touch with new Technologies like Theranos.

Professional Juicer.

I know how to work a juicer, drive a car and how to pick up dry cleaning. I can handle stressful situations with grace and no how to make anyones day better with a smile.

Email me Here.